Little Brother Reunion?
A Full Little Brother Reunion Is Possible, According To Phonte
Little Brother is arguably one of, if not the, greatest rap group to ever emerge from Raleigh, North Carolina. After forming in 2001 and releasing a number of well received albums from fans and critics alike, the trio (Phonte, Rapper Big Pooh and 9th Wonder) called it quits in 2010.
However, there’s now the possibility for a reunion.
As the Raleigh Agenda pointed out, during a recent episode of hip-hop podcast The Combat Jack Show, Phonte Coleman served as a guest and talked about everything from being a key writer for the VH1 series The Breaks to Kaytranada and NWA. But the most revealing part of the interview came towards the end, in which the now Foreign Exchange vocalist discussed the possibility of a Little Brother reunion. “For a while, I was very reluctant for it [a reunion], but this past year put it into perspective,” he said, reflecting on a recent reunion show he saw in Minneapolis, where he witnessed the late Prince‘s band, The Revolution, pay tribute to its missing founder. “The show was amazing. It was dope. But there was still that moment of ‘something’s missing.'”
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